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Black Panther

Global Disney power

Curran and Seaton

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Curran and Seaton argue that contemporary media production is only viable if it takes place within commercial conglomerates that work globally. 

Disney’s Black Panther certainly provides an excellent example of a product whose $1.34 billion take was wrought as a result of Disney’s high-budget backing and its multisector global presence. Global production, Curran and Seaton tell us, enable conglomerates to maximise profits through the profit bounties that are realised when products are positioned to collect revenue from multiple territories simultaneously. 

Black Panther’s global appeal is foregrounded within its marketing campaign, the trailer purposefully showcasing the film’s transglobal settings: Korea, Georgia (United States), Zambia, South Africa and Argentina. 

The internationalisation of the product is also evidenced through the choice of actors. The use of Martin Freeman and Michael B. Jordan constructs appeal for both American and UK based viewers: it is no accident that these two characters occupy privileged positions in the trailer and accompanying poster campaigns. Their central role in marketing material constructs a connection with two highly lucrative global territories very quickly.


Internationalisation allows media makers to maximise profits and audience reach via global distribution. Media conglomerates strive to operate in multiple countries to create this global reach.

Media terminology used

Commercial media

An organisation that makes or distributes products for economic gain. Commercial media usually make mass consumption products for entertainment purposes.

Global profit bounty

A term used by Curran and Seaton to describe the exponential profits increases that can be realised if products are distributed globally. By producing one product, global distribution can collect revenue in multiple countries simultaneously.

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