Media Theory Revision Guide
My Revision
Essential Film!
Daily Mirror
Proairetic codes
The Mirror presents the Trump election as a news spectacle through the use of carefully constructed image-based proairetic codes.
The imagery of the female boxer and the accompanying shots of rejoicing Trump supporters underline the gravity and excitement of the newly elected president’s victory.
Similarly the action of the weeping Statue of Liberty helps to underscore the left-wing bias of the Daily Mirror and further suggests to the papers readers that Trump’s victory is an attack on American notions of civil justice and other left-leaning ideologies.
Proairetic codes
Are 'action' based elements within a media text. Proairetic codes create excitement and produce moments of emotional intensity in stories.
Media terminology used
Left-wing bias
Products that support left-wing political ideologies are said to have a left-wing bias. Left wing political ideologies champion investment in public services (education/health/localgovernment) and generally argue for higher taxation to pay for thoseservices. The left-wing political party in the UK is the Labour party.
Ideological positioning