Media Theory Revision Guide
My Revision
Essential Film!
Daily Mirror
Hermeneutic codes
The Mirror set text clearly uses a number of hermeneutic codes in order to help drive point of sale impulse buys. The interrogative tagline on the front page, “What have they done?” Immediately constructs a sense of uncertainty regarding the result of the presidential election.
Further enigma is presented to the reader through the use of the accompanying byline “fears over lost of jobs and immigrants” through which the Mirror newspaper articulates and provokes reader fears of an unknown danger in order to engage interest.
A phrase or slogan used by print producers to capture audience attention. Taglines can be comedic or can pose questions to engage reader interest.
Media terminology used
Enigma codes
The use of an element within a product to create mystery or that tease the audience so that they have to read or watch more of the product to obtain narrative resolution.
Impulse buy
A term applied to magazine and newspaper purchases where audiences buy products without planning to do so. Front page features often drive impulse buys.