Media Theory Revision Guide
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Daily Mirror
Technology threats to the Daily Mirror
Hesmondhalgh tells us that newspaper revenues have been heavily threatened by new digital media technologies. Advertising revenues, in particular, have disappeared as a result of internet based competition with motoring and recruitment advertising cash cows hit hard.
Similarly, free-to-view online blogs and other online news based providers have created further competition for the print edition of the paper - limiting sales, and, in turn making the paper less attractive as an advertising portal.
The Mirror, much like other news providers, has had to adopt a mobile/online first service to compete with these online rivals, using metric driven personalised advertising from its free-to-view online activities to replace lost print revenue.
In moving online, the Daily Mirror has also subtly shifted its audience focus: now branding itself as the 'intelligent tabloid' with the focus of content shifted towards celebrity oriented youth friendly editorials. The emphasis too on women’s oriented content in the form of its bespoke 'fashion' and 'mums' subsections has allowed the paper to create appeal for more online female readers - a lucrative slice of the online market.
As a result, PAMCO readership figures clearly demonstrate a substantial difference in the sorts of readers consuming the print and online versions of the Daily Mirror, with the print editions focus on sports and soap oriented celebrity content maintaining its diminishing older male heavy readership.
Mobile first
A term used to describe the precedence of online news over print in contemporary newspapers. Priority is given to uploading and optimising live news to service smartphone consumption.
Media terminology used
A term used to describe the use of digital media to provide additional content.
Increasingly, media content is packaged for subscription rather than free viewing. Fee-to-view systems tend to carry fewer adverts, thus producing a cleaner viewing experience for audiences.